Delivering on the Paris Agreement - Denmark’s Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate visits the US

These days Danish minister Mr. Lars Christian Lilleholt is visiting the US to further Danish-American collaboration on renewable energy.

Photo credit: Fortnightly Magazine.

October 23-26 Denmark’s Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate, Mr. Lars Christian Lilleholt, is visiting the US to discuss renewable energy and the Paris Agreement commitment with US counterparts. Increased collaboration on offshore wind will be of special importance when minister attends at the American Wind Energy Association conference in New York City October 24 and a Congressional event in Washington DC on October 25.

Minister Lilleholt is accompanied by a delegation consisting of executives from Danish-based global energy companies as well as specialists from the national Danish Energy Agency. 

The visit comes at an auspicious time where New York state and New York City (with the launch of its 1.5 C Climate Plan) are actively taking on climate leadership to deliver on energy and climate targets of the Paris Agreement.

”The Danish green transition model, and the private technology behind it, offers a compelling value proposition to our US counterparts at both Federal, State and City level. The most effective way of delivering on the Paris Agreement is to increase knowledge sharing, which in turn can speed up the transition to a renewable energy future. The Danish offshore wind model, for one, is an example with a massive impact in emissions reductions, coupled with a strong business case and proven job creation potential”, says Minister Lilleholt.
Monday October 23, Danish Cleantech hub is hosting the Ministerial delegation for a program including meetings with New State Energy Czar, Richard Kauffman, and NYSERDA to discuss the state’s energy plan, Reforming the Energy Vision,  as well as a site visit to America’s largest private real estate project, Hudson Yards, which boasts a progressive energy profile.

The Danish Energy Industries Federation board represented by ABB, Grundfos, Ramboll, and Kamstrup are accompaning the Minister on this US visit to help convey they story of Denmark’s remarkable green transition.

“The political leadership in New York is impressive. With a commitment to produce 2.4 gigawatt offshore wind by 2030, and substantial investment in other technology areas, where Danish companies are world leading, such as district energy and water management, New York is sending a strong signal to private companies. Come and invest in New York", says Troels Ranis, Director, Danish Energy Industries Federation.

Apart from New York City, the Ministerial delegation will also visit Washington DC and Boston

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