Scania Annual and Sustainability Report 2015

Scania already has innovative technologies in place to meet tomorrow’s transport needs, for example the broadest market range of alternative fuels.

Scania Annual and Sustainability Report 2015

Annual Reports | Financial reports | Sustainability reports

Scania works with sustainability in an integrated way. The responsibility for environmental, social, ethical and financial issues lies with the company’s line organisation and in the core processes. To reflect this better, Scania is publishing an integrated Annual Report and Sustainability Report containing financial, social and environmental information in the same report.

The report highlights the driving forces impacting the transport sector, describes the business model and value creation for the company’s stakeholders.

In parallel with describing how Scania works according to ambitious standards in the sustainability field, the report highlights Scania’s view of what is required to transform today’s transport system into the sustainable transport system of tomorrow.

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