Developing a strong, sustainable pig sector with Danish solutions

Denmark is globally known for its production of pigs and processing of pork meat and offers a wide range of farming solutions. The Mexican food and agriculture sector is experiencing great development these years, and now Danish solutions and technologies are set at the top of the agenda for development in one of Latin America’s most important markets.

Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

The Mexican food market is growing rapidly and today, Mexico is among the largest and fastest growing economies in the world. As the country’s economy strengthens, the opportunity to produce safe, high-quality and sustainable food increases.

Both to the 130 million Mexicans, but also increasingly for export. With this development, new opportunities arise for collaboration with Danish companies.

Mexican partners demand Danish solutions

Mexico is paying close attention to Denmark when it comes to efficient, sustainable and safe pig production, where there is a great demand for Danish know-how and experiences.

Therefore, Danish experiences are the main theme when Mexican pig producers meet from October 23-26 for OPORPA’s Annual Porcine Conference and Business Fair to discuss how to prepare the agriculture and food sector for the future.

Jorge Ivan Espinosa, representative of Mexico’s largest pig producer organisation, OPORPA, explains why Denmark is particularly interesting for Mexico’s pig production: »Denmark, Danish companies and farmers are frontrunners within the production of pigs and have extensive experience within antibiotic resistance, traceability, farm and production management and slaughterhouse optimization among other things. We also have strong relations with Denmark due to the strategic cooperation between our governments and the trusted and close cooperation with the Danish Embassy. We can learn a lot from Denmark, not least, from how you have handled the challenges in the sector«.

A top-of-mind partnership

Denmark is one of the world’s largest pig meat exporters annually producing around 28 million pigs. For several decades, pig production and pig meat has been a major source of income for Denmark. Today, 90% of the Danish pig meat is exported and is thereby an important factor for Danish economy and the trade balance. The Danish pig sector is among the world leaders in areas such as breeding, quality, food safety, animal welfare and traceability – achieved through long-term cooperation.

In 2017 a strategic partnership agreement between Mexico and Denmark was signed. A strategic partnership is the widest form of cooperation between two countries and an indication that cooperation has the highest political priority.

The strategic partnership agreement includes agreements to promote trade and professional cooperation in selected areas, including establishing cooperation on the development of the Mexican food sector.

At the same time, there has been a significant prioritisation of commercial activities between the two countries in recent years, which has resulted in Mexico looking to Denmark for both technology and solutions for the development of food and agricultural production and for concrete imports of equipment, knowledge and food.

During OPORPA’s Annual Porcine Conference and Business Fair, Danish companies will showcase their products and solutions to the Mexican pig producers.

At the same time, a number of seminars will focus on how cooperation can improve the business and how to strengthen the collaboration between Denmark and Mexico on the development of an efficient and sustainable food agricultural production.

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