Collaboration Crossroads: Recognizing When to Part Ways for Greater Impact
Business-led, pre-competitive collaborative initiatives are a cornerstone of systems change and advancing solutions to systematic problems. However, collaborations are not meant to be everlasting, and companies must recognize when it’s time to pull the plug.
01.07.2024Foxway A/S
Foxway’s science-based targets validated by SBTi
The Science Based Targets initiative has approved Foxway’s near and long-term science-based emissions reduction targets. Addressing both direct and indirect emissions reductions, Foxway outlines detailed actions to meet 2030 goals and states their net-zero target remains heavily dependent on third-party efforts.
The United States Is At Risk of Marginalizing Itself on Sustainability: What Business Can Do
The lack of consistent American engagement and leadership on just and sustainable business is having far-reaching consequences. These developments are bad not only for sustainable business, but also bad for business in general.
The United States is at Risk of Marginalizing Itself on Sustainability
Over the first quarter of 2024, it is clear that the United States is at risk of marginalizing itself and its influence over the direction of the global economy, the urgent challenge of the energy transition, and the competitiveness of American enterprise.
Three Approaches for Integrating Human Rights into Corporate Risk Registers
Integrating human rights risks into a corporate risk register is a tactic that companies can use to identify human rights risks in their operations as mandated by emerging regulations. BSR outlines three approaches—of varying levels of intensity—to ensure that risk registers effectively measure human rights risks.
Twenty Years of Implementing Living Wage
There has been a surge of company engagement on Living Wage in recent years due to changing regulatory, investor expectations and increasing employer commitments to their workers. The lack of harmonization on what is the “best” Living Wage for each location remains one of the most significant barriers to global adoption.
Collaborating to Advance the SDGs: Three Considerations for Business Leaders
Business-led multi-stakeholder collaborations play a key role in advancing the SDGs in that they bring together the knowledge, financial resources, and innovation capabilities of business and non-business actors to solve systemic challenges.
COOP Danmark A/S
ESG Konsulent - Analyse, Rapportering & Projektledelse
COOP er én af Danmarks største og mest agendasættende virksomheder. Vil du være en del af Coops ambitiøse bæredygtigheds rejse og en del af vores dynamiske ESG team? Kan du bidrage med analyser, rapportering og projektledelse til vores ESG-agenda?
Merkur Andelskasse
Vi søger en bæredygtighedsøkonom eller investeringsrådgiver med lyst til at være bæredygtighedsansvarlig på investeringsområdet
Vil du være en del af en bank, der gør en forskel for klimaet og tager socialt ansvar? Vi søger en bæredygtighedsansvarlig på investeringsområdet, som kan holde vores medarbejdere opdateret på de nyeste trends indenfor impact investering, arrangere og afvikle kundeevents, udarbejde kundepræsentationer samt afholde egne investeringsmøder med større kunder.
Snarest muligt
Danske Bank
Consultant for Group Sustainability
Do you have a passion for finance and are you eager to contribute to sustainable progress today and for generations to come? Then this might be the right job for you!
UN Global Compact Network Denmark
Human Rights & Social Sustainability Manager til UN Global Compact Network Denmarks sekretariat
Danmarks største netværk og læringsmiljø for ESG og bæredygtighed i den private sektor søger en engageret og faglig stærk Human Rights & Social Sustainability Manager til at lede vores aktiviteter for danske virksomheder inden for menneskerettigheder og det sociale område. Vores nye kollega vil få ansvaret for vores arbejde med menneskerettigheder, arbejdstagerrettigheder, mangfoldighed og inklusion.
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