Hvordan ser SDG'erne ud i virksomhedshøjde og hvorfor er det vigtigt at forholde sig til?

Hvordan arbejder verdens største virksomheder med FN's verdensmål? KPMG har lavet en ny rapport, der giver indsigt i hvordan verdens 250 største virksomheder integrerer og rapporterer på deres bidrag til FN's verdensmål.




Hvordan arbejder verdens største virksomheder med FN's verdensmål? KPMG har lavet en ny rapport, der giver indsigt i hvordan verdens 250 største virksomheder integrerer og rapporterer på deres bidrag til FN's verdensmål.  

On 26th of February, KPMG launched a new report ''An Analysis of SDG Reporting Maturity: What good looks like and why it matters''. The report takes a deep dive into the SDGs reporting maturity by the biggest 250 companies worldwide. It analyses the companies SDG performance, activities and provides findings and examples on how companies can approach and apply the SDGs reporting into their own organisations.

The report is supplementary to the KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017 and targets corporate responsibility, sustainability professionals, investors and asset managers. Beyond analysing the maturity of SDGs reporting, it provides practical case studies to inspire and guide corporates work with the SDGs.

The KPMG's report highlights 9 robust criteria to analyse companies' SDGs reporting, which combine crucial elements of the SDGs Compass with guidance from the International Integrated Reporting Council and KPMG professionals on what good SDG reporting looks like. The criteria are grouped into three elements with 3 questions for each of them:


  • Does the company report on the business case for taking action on SDGs?
  • Does the CEO and/or Chair discuss the SDGs in their message?
  • Does the company disclose its own impact on the SDGs?


  • Does the company identify its priority SDGs?
  • Does the company explain the methodology it has used to prioritize the SDGs?
  • Does the company identify any of the 169 SDG targets as relevant to its business?


  • Does the company disclose business goals related to the SDGs?
  • Does the reporting set SDG performance goals that are SMART?
  • Does the company report which indicators it is using to monitor and report on its performance related to the SDGs?

Do you want to get more inspiration for how to integrate and work with the SDGs see the full report here or get in contact with us here.



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Hvordan ser SDG'erne ud i virksomhedshøjde og hvorfor er det vigtigt at forholde sig til?