5 ways to create internal buy-in to CSR

What can CSR change agents do to get buy-in from both management and colleagues? Here are five suggestions based on experience from the practitioner field.

Do you sometimes feel like a lonely sustainability crusader in a dangerous business world? Well, you're not!

There are many other CSR professionals that are struggling to get their internal stakeholders onboard the sustainability train.

Because even though many businesses have their codes of conduct, CSR policies or sustainability strategies in place, this does not necessarily mean that top management or the rest of the organisation have actually bought in to the agenda.

So what can CSR change agents do to get buy-in from both management and colleagues? Here are five suggestions based on experience from the practitioner field:

1. Understand company culture

2. Know your internal stakeholders

3. Find a 'burning platform' or create a vision

4. Make use of both rational and emotional arguments

5. Start out with the low-hanging fruits

Read the full blog post here

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