Dansk Innovation
29.06.2022Rockwool Danmark A/S
ROCKWOOL valgte renovering fremfor nybyg – resultatet er plus for både regnskab og klima
Efter en gennemgribende renovering står ROCKWOOLs nordiske hovedkontor klar til indflytning. Inden start stod man med valget om at renovere bygningen fra 1972 eller bygge nyt. Omfattende beregninger viste, at renovering ville give det bedste resultat.
11.01.2022Food Nation
Clean Nozzles Optimise Production by Reducing Spray Dryer Hazards
When food manufacturers are spray drying food and milk products, there is a potential risk of fire and explosion due to the processing of combustible dust. Danish technology supplier, GEA Process Engineering A/S, has been awarded a patent for their Clean Purge system minimising the risk of spray dryer fires and explosions.
20.12.2021Food Nation
Scientist aims to improve texture on plant-based sausages
A Danish start-up developing plant-based products has joined forces with the Technical University of Denmark, in order to create a vegan sausage that holds its shape during cooking, and delivers that ‘snap feeling’ when bitten into.
19.10.2021Food Nation
Innovative Shrimp-Peeling System Saves Water and Limits Costs
There is a major potential for optimizing resource-efficiency in the food and agricultural sector to become more sustainable during production processes. A new innovative shrimp-peeling system requires limited floor space, improves the end-product, cuts maintenance costs and can save an impressive 90% of water usage.
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