Ensuring Optimal Growth Conditions in Poultry Houses

Great demands are made for the quality of the climate system in livestock houses to ensure an exact adjustment of temperature, air humidity and air velocity, among other things, in order to create optimum production conditions. Birds of highly improved breeds combined with a high stocking density require a climate of precise adjustment. There is only one correct temperature – if it is not sustained, an optimum productivity cannot be attained.

Billede: SKOV A/S.

In most areas, there will be times (day/night or summer/winter) when the outside temperature for a shorter or longer period will fall below the temperature comfortable for the birds. A day-old chicken requiring 33°C (91°F) – at a relative air humidity of 50% – would feel it as very cold if the outside temperature were 24°C (75°F) and the air is directed straight into the zone occupied by the birds without being heated first.


Ventilation systems to control climate conditions
Danish company SKOV supplies ventilation systems for all production types and climate conditions, and their Combi-Tunnel system takes the complexity of this issue into account. The ventilation system consists of two systems ventilating according to two different principles. The system changes between two principles based on the outside temperature and the age of the birds.

In hot weather, the Combi-Tunnel ventilates as a normal tunnel system. In cold weather, where the tunnel has its weaknesses, the Combi-Tunnel system takes the fresh air in through smaller wall inlets that are placed in sidewalls of the building. The air outlet is conducted through exhaust units in the roof or through wall fans.

Get a better FRC and lower mortality
Tunnel ventilation is a good principle when it is hot, but there will always be times when the principle does not work optimally at minimum ventilation. Combi-Tunnel includes the advantages of the Tunnel ventilation system during the hot seasons and at the same time, it warrants the creation of optimum ventilation during the cold season.

The experience of SKOV is that this surplus investment will be paid back in three or four years as a result of a better Feed Conversion Rate (FCR) and a lower mortality rate. The colder periods – time of the year or cold hours at night – the quicker the surplus investment will be earned back.

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