How can silence lead us to a more sustainable world?

If you want to save the world, you must also deal with your inner world. If you want to achieve purposeful goals, you must take care of your biggest asset: your mind. So, don’t just do something - just sit there! Watch Laura Storm's TED Talk to learn why

How silence can lead us to a sustainable world | Laura Storm .

The silent drivers of sustainable solutions

When Laura Storm, an internationally recognized WEF Young Global Leader and executive director of the green think & do tank Sustainia, suffered a severe concussion and whiplash after a fall, this did not only put her sustainability work on hold. 

It also forced her to change her life and enter a new chapter of her personal and professional sustainabiilty journey. 

The survival kit for sustainability leaders: Nature & Stillness 

Today, enjoying life, prioritizing stillness and tapping into the intelligence and wisdom of Nature have not only become Laura’s personal life principles. They have also become key to creating sustainable business solutions for the benefit of people, planet and profit. 

As Laura explains: “If you want to save the world, you must take care of your biggest assets: your mind & your soul. I truly believe that if CEOs prioritized time to connect with themselves and the planet they inhabit, we would see a radical shift in mindset and business practice.”

Get more insights from Laura Storm 8th of Nov in Copenhagen

You can meet Laura Storm at the miniconference “Purpose, Passion & Personal Sustainability”on the 8th of November in Copenhagen.

Here Laura will share her personal story and explain why she believes integrating nature, meditation and silence into our personal and professional lives, will be a key sustainability driver.

She will also share how she today inspires leaders to take the next steps towards a sustainable business future, building on generative principles, circular economy and conscious leadership.

The event will also give you how-to insights and concrete inspiration from:

  • The international social business expert who provides an overview of global trends and cases on personal sustainability (Tania Ellis, Special Advisor & Founder, The Social Business Company
  • The serial entrepreneur and CEO, who is transforming his business from within in order to serve people, planet and profit with love and compassion (Martin Bjergegaard, CEO,
  • The sustainability director that applies Native American wisdom principles and mindfulness in one of Denmark’s largest energy companies (Marianne Kildedal, Head of Responsible Leadership & CSR, SEAS-NVE)

Throughout the program, we will discuss, network and exchange experience and ideas of how you can integrate purpose, passion and personal sustainability into your business and (work) life.

The miniconference Purpose, Passion & Personal Sustainability 

About Laura Storm 

The Social Business Club is an inspirational network forum for professionals from around the world with an interest in innovative and sustainable business practices that create value for society and the bottom line. Free sign-up at

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