05.10.2022Food Nation
DLG Group invests heavily in pea proteins in Germany
DLG’s German agricultural company, HaGe, will invest in a new plant in Germany to produce highly processed pea proteins for the food industry. The project is part of the DLG Group’s sustainability plan ZERO and is also one of the largest green initiatives that the Group presents in the strategically important German market.
Planten, der kan det hele: Tangfarme skyder op i Europa
I Asien har man en stærk tradition for at dyrke tang. Men nu begynder vi europæere at få øjnene op for potentialet i den lille vandplante. Den optager CO2 fra luften, kræver ingen jord eller rent vand for at blive dyrket og kan bruges i både fødevarer, medicin, tekstiler og plastik.
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