Supercharge your carbon reporting with science and transparency

How to benefit from CDP and the Science Based Targets initiative A Straight from the Horse’s Mouth webinar with Fredrik Andersen, Project Officer at CDP and Barabra Nebel, thinkstep Australasia

Piecing together the carbon reporting puzzle. How carbon reporting, CDP, the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) and overall sustainability strategy combine for tangible business value.

What to expect: Fredrik Andersen from CDP will provide an overview of the business benefits of corporate environmental reporting and how CDP & science-based targets relate to each other. Fredrik Andersen is responsible for liaising with CDP stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand.

Barbara Nebel from thinkstep Australasia will share insights on integrating carbon reporting with science-based targets and an overall sustainability strategy to generate the most value for your organisation. Barbara is Managing Director of thinkstep in Australasia.

Webinar objectives:

  • What are science-based targets?
  • What is the context in which they were created and why?
  • The business benefits of corporate environmental reporting and target setting
  • How CDP & science-based targets complement each other?
  • Key factors to consider when setting a science-based targets

>> To download the webinar material, please click here!



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