Corporate Sustainability Governance Fitness Test: Three Actions for Leaders
Business leaders are navigating an increasingly complex and disruptive landscape of sustainability challenges, governance issues, and risks. Against this backdrop, businesses must focus on three key actions: integrating material sustainability issues into governance structures, roles, and responsibilities, cracking the code on stakeholder engagement, and building resilience from the value chain forward. In our experience, leaders who ask the right sustainability governance questions have the most resilient governance structures.
05.07.2024Troldtekt A/S
Renovering og transformation kan vise vejen til et lavere klimaaftryk i byggeriet
En markant andel af verdens CO2-udledning kommer fra produktion af byggematerialer. Derfor er der stort potentiale i at forlænge bygningers levetid frem for at opføre nyt. I et nyt online tema sætter Troldtekt A/S fokus på vellykkede transformationer og renoveringer af eksisterende byggeri.
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