Artikler virksomheden er nævnt i
Forskere opstiller scenarier for fremtidens grønne landbrug
Det kræver store investeringer, hvis dansk landbrug skal leve op til de ambitiøse politiske krav til grøn omstilling, siger forskere fra Aarhus Universitet. De har opstillet en række scenarier, der vil kunne udpege vejen mod et grønnere landbrug.
07.12.2022Food Nation
DLG partner in a new ground-breaking project – ‘No-Methane’
Innovation Fund Denmark has invested EUR 2,2 million in the research project; ‘No-Methane’, in which a specific product is to be developed to reduce methane emissions from the cow by up to 50%. DLG is a key partner in the project, and if the goal of the project is reached, it will resonate throughout the world.
Stilling / Virksomhed
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