COLLABORATIVE INITIATIVE | The Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality

In light of upcoming Copenhagen Pride, let us introduce BSR's Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality.




Who We Are 

The Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (PGLE) is a coalition of organizations committed to leveraging their individual and collective advocacy to accelerate LGBTI equality and inclusion globally and drive positive change. Companies have important opportunities to foster diversity and promote a culture of respect and equality. Many firms have also found that doing so brings economic benefits: helping attract and retain talent, improving decisions, and building loyalty with customers and investors alike.

The Partnership was announced at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting on January 22, 2019 in Davos, Switzerland. The founding members were leading multinational companies Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, CISCO, the Coca-Cola Company, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, EY, Edelman, Johnson & Johnson, Mastercard, Microsoft, P&G, PepsiCo, PwC, Salesforce, and Scotiabank.

The Partnership is supported by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and is operated in collaboration with  the World Economic Forum.

PGLE is a BSR Collaboration. BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) providing a range of services to facilitate collaboration between members towards the Partnership’s Vision.

Our Mission

To accelerate equality and social and economic inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.

How We Work

The Partnership will work in collaboration with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for New Economy and Society to advance global progress for equality and social and economic inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.

Partners will work together to:

  1. Operationalize the United Nations Standards of Conduct for Business Tackling Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Intersex (LGBTI) People by providing tools and resources for companies to advance and implement LGBTI inclusion globally

  2. Leverage the World Economic Forum’s platform to support committed business leaders in accelerating LGBTI workplace inclusion and promoting human rights for all

  3. Organize and raise awareness of best practices and benchmarks to assist companies in meeting their commitments and responsibilities to global LGBTI equality

Are you interested in learning more about the initiative? Find more resources and contacts here: Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality (



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