Corruption: “How to say no”

How do Danish companies deal with the challenge of corruption internationally? New digital learning series for secondary school students offers insight.



Felix Bekkergaard Stark, Dansk Industri

Click here to watch an educational film from Globale Gymnasier

For several years, Denmark has been named the world’s least corrupt nation. Meanwhile, many Danish companies operate in global markets where corruption is more or less widespread.

This is the reality explored in a series of educational films for secondary school students. Senior Advisor at the Confederation of Danish Industry Christine Jøker Lohmann is featured in one of the films, where she explains how Danish companies can protect themselves against corruption in growth markets.

“Management must take a strong stand against corruption. Furthermore, an anti-corruption policy should be drawn up to guide employees. And finally, employees must be trained, because it isn’t necessarily easy to say no,” Christine Joker Lohmann says in the film.

See also: Major international battle against corruption

Many can benefit

She is pleased that the films will give a wide audience of young people insight into the level of corruption in many developing countries in particular.

“It is a reality that can be difficult to relate to when you live in Denmark. But the world is becoming increasingly global, and you don’t have to travel far from Denmark to find a reality in which corruption is an everyday occurrence. This is something we must be able to respond to as individuals, but also very much because Denmark is a country that is reliant on doing business with the entire world,” says Christine Jøker Lohmann.

That is why she also believes that many others could benefit from watching the films.

“On Denmark’s part, there is a lot we can do to spread good practice to the rest of the world. But we must be aware that the conditions and culture are different elsewhere in the world and know how to respond so that we can take action in the best way possible,” says Christine Jøker Lohmann.

See also further information for companies about corruption:

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