Danish companies to help achieve the 17 Global Goals

Danish companies have the products and know-how that can contribute to achieve many of the 17 global development goals within areas such as food, water, green energy and sustainable cities.

On Match 18 DI hosts the conference “The Business of Development”, which sheds light on the oppotunities within the Global Goals.



Konsulent Nanna Bøgesvang Olesen, Dansk Industri

The 17 Global Goals are ambitious and may even be unrealistic if today’s products and services are used as a reference point. The good news is that companies around the world are pushing the boundaries of business as usual and designing new ways to address global challenges with affordable solutions. Denmark is – and has always been – a frontrunner in this respect.

Change of mentality is needed

However, the development will also require a certain change of mentality among Danish companies. Conventionally, we think of high technology as expensive and reserved for the wealthy markets. Nevertheless, in the years ahead, a range of very advanced technologies is likely to fall dramatically in price and to spread rapidly to even the least developed parts of the world. Using advanced technology does not contradict providing affordable solutions for the poorest people. On the contrary, it may be a precondition for achieving the Global Goals.

Danish companies can rarely compete on price alone in global markets. To remain competitive, it is necessary to build on our expertise, but also to challenge how and to whom these products and services are sold. Providing well-designed, affordable solutions is part of the historical DNA of many Danish companies – and as such, we may need to get back to basics if we want to engage in ‘the business of development’.

Sign up for the conference "The Business of development" on March 18 2016

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