Executive Tech Academy

Tech insigths for senior decision-makers and business leaders striving to accelerate digital transformation and support fact-based tech investments within the organization.

This program is developed in collaboration with Microsoft

Mastering new tech and digital strategies
To harvest the digital transformation of your business, this course is designed for you as a business leader and decision maker to provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience on the application of new technologies.

Cloud computing, AI, analytics, Big Data, and IoT are already mainstream in many business leaders’ vocabulary. Upon completion of this academy you can build your own business case and lead the application of these technologies in your own company. Together we will take a deep dive into digitalization’s fundamental importance for businesses in the 21st Century.

Premium academic team and experts
The course is developed in collaboration with experienced executive Academic Lead, Jan Damsgaard, Professor in Digitalization at CBS along with leading experts from Microsoft. From the academic team you will learn about tech mega-trends and the most important theories and concepts for digital technology. With Microsoft experts and live cases from relevant Danish companies you will attend dynamic practice pods to understand the new technology in use, focusing on how to create business value. Participate in high-level discussions of the interactive tech dilemmas of the moment. Course content and discussion will be facilitated by CBS Executive's academic team and Microsoft experts along with an exclusive range of external lecturers.

Digitalization - From threat to opportunity
Digitalization can be overwhelming. So many contrasting opinions, so many unknowns and so many digital technologies to choose from. It can petrify most businesses and many managers. To further accentuate the situation most businesses are very well aware that digitalization is a must win battle now and also that making the wrong choice or missing the right boat can have severe consequences and in some cases even life threatening for the modern business.

Solid and world class research from some of the best researchers worldwide provide the compass for navigating the difficult waters of digitalization. The research input comes from professors from the Department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School. The department consistently ranks number one in Europe and number four worldwide in terms of number of research publications in the most prestigious international research business and digitalization journals. The research is scientifically founded and provides the latest knowledge in terms of trends and reflections of the application of digital technologies.

Hands-on and live cases
Good science needs good practical knowledge in order to become actionable. How to implement digital technologies and manage the digital transformation process is provided by some of the most successful and value creating digitalization stories from leading Danish businesses. With live cases you will get a chance to ask advice from leading experts that have been in charge of implementing digital technologies.

This brings us to which technologies are there and what do they do. For this purpose a number of hands on tech pods are presented on the very latest yet available digital technologies. The hands on tech pods concretely allows for in depth demonstration and hands on experience with some of the latest digital technologies. For example Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing that are quite mature and readily available for the businesses that wish to embark on the next step of its digital journey.

The Digital Vision
The above three components provide a fantastic opportunity to learn and experience the latest digital technologies that are founded on the latest and neutral research on digitalization. The participants are requested to craft a playbook for the implementation of one of the digital technologies that combines both the latest research, the best practice experience of the perils and opportunities and also the concrete digital technology that must be enacted to fulfill the digital vision.

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this academy participants can build a business case and understand the application of these new technologies in their own companies

  • Stay ahead of the (digital) competitive curve and remain relevant for customers & key stakeholders
  • Experience new technologies and learn how to explore new business opportunities
  • Driving digital transformation projects, learn from real life company cases, thought leaders & practitioners
  • Learn how to tackle the ethical, responsible and cybersecurity dilemmas

Learning design
You can expect research-based teaching, that combines theory and practice with relevant tools. The learning format is designed to ensure a dynamic, inclusive and challenging learning environment with integrated cases from the participating organizations. You will experience and discuss business and development projects relevant to your own organization or business unit. Active involvement and sharing of own experiences from all course participants are key ingredients for engaging discussions and reflections.

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