Global Climate Task Force aims to supply global climate solutions

The Danish Agriculture & Food Council is setting up a Global Climate Task Force to develop green initiatives aimed at minimising greenhouse gas emissions globally together with leading Danish companies.

Denmark has a long history as a food producing country and exporter of goods. Today, Denmark accounts for 0.1 per cent of the world’s CO2 emissions. The Danish agriculture and food cluster has for many years worked towards global green solutions that can ensure CO2 reductions that go beyond our own borders to help minimise the global climate footprint. The newly established Global Climate Task Force wants to promote the Danish agriculture and food sector as an exporter of green solutions and a preferred trading partner.

Pooling the resources of Danish agriculture and food lighthouses
We need to increase collaboration across borders to reach the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030 as no country can solve the climate challenges alone. With the task force, the Danish food cluster aims to be pioneers who inspires and spreads awareness of green transition at an international level.

CEO from Food Nation, Lise Walbom says: “Cross-disciplinary collaboration is key to pursuing the 2030 sustainable development agenda. Denmark will continue to innovate solutions that support the move towards sustainable agriculture and food processing and to help ensure universal access to foods that are safe to eat and nutritious to all.”

A collaborative contribution to climate solutions
The Danish agriculture and food sector already deliver global climate solutions for the entire food chain from farm to fork. FOSS ensures safe milk in half a minute with a screening method that measures the quality of milk, Novozymes can provide enzymes that can cut down on feed without compromising on the growth of poultries and SolarSack makes an affordable and sustainable solution for purifying water in developing regions to eliminate pathogens in water.

When stakeholders engage in cross-sector collaboration, we stand stronger to fight climate changes and initiate green transition both nationally and internationally making global impact, which is the aim of the Global Climate Task Force.

The Global Climate Task Force consists of strong representatives from across the food value chain Danish Crown, Arla, DLG, DLF, Danish Agro, Viking Genetics, Danbred, Foss, Skov and KMC.

Read more about the new task force here.

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