Green energy could put your company on the path to net zero: Here’s how you start
By choosing renewable energy, companies can curb their greenhouse gas emissions and help tackle the climate emergency. Here are some practical tips to get you started. (This article was originally published by Ørsted as a blogpost on CDP.net)
Fossil-free energy sector holds the key to unlocking Denmark’s climate-neutral future: Report
The Danish government wants businesses to reduce carbon emissions at unprecedented scale and help meet national climate goals. The energy and utilities sector stands out with a roadmap for becoming nearly carbon neutral by 2030.
Clean and stable, offshore wind can more than meet the world’s electricity needs: IEA report
More stable than solar PV or onshore wind, offshore wind could become a trillion-dollar business by 2040, and a mainstay of global power supply. Here are five key takeaways from the International Energy Agency’s first ever offshore wind report.
Ørsted nærmer sig fuldstændig grøn omstilling: 99% vedvarende energiproduktion i 2025
I 2025 vil Ørsted, et af verdens største energiselskaber inden for vedvarende energi, næsten udelukkende producere grøn energi, og i 2030 vil det forsyne mere end 50 millioner mennesker med grøn energi. Læs mere i selskabets nye bæredygtighedsrapport.
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