Individual EPDs per Mouse Click
New function in SchüCal calculation software simplifies sustainable construction
Leinfelden-Echterdingen, November 2017.
Schüco recently began offering Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in the company's product configuration software SchüCal. thinkstep spoke about EPD automation with Hans-Walter Bielefeld, Head of Advanced Development, Structural Physics and Online Tools at Schüco International KG.
The Schücal® System with EPD functionality.
The Schücal® System with EPD functionality.
Green Building, Design for Environment, Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) are just some of the key words in the current sustainability discussions. Why do you concern yourself with the subject of sustainability?
Mr. Bielefeld:
At Schüco sustainability is part of our corporate strategy. Specifications for our product development include the recyclability of products and the environmental friendliness of the materials used. We also set very strict requirements for designs. Windows and facade elements have to be energy-efficient and durable.
We want to support our partners – architects, fabricators, window manufacturers – in the realization of sustainable buildings through the entire project, from the planning and implementation to recycling. From the early planning phase we advise our partners on sustainability issues and provide relevant tools and documents.
You recently began offering your customers Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and Cradle to Cradle® certificates via the SchüCal system. What prompted you to integrate that additional information in SchüCal?
Mr. Bielefeld:
The demand for EPDs and Cradle to Cradle® data is growing continuously. We would like to provide our customers with an easy-to-use tool that helps them to respond to the demand. Windows and facade systems can be designed and calculated with SchüCal. Our approach can be summed up: no additional software, no additional expenditures for the processor.
How did you technically implement the integration in SchüCal?
Mr. Bielefeld:
The basic data required to generate an EPD or Cradle to Cradle® certificate, such as information about profiles, insulating bars and sealants, are available in our system. If a processor designs a window in SchüCal, for example, the software calculates the exact cutting dimensions and weight percentage for each element. We have linked the data with environmental information. To generate an EPD, we rely on the GaBi Life Cycle Assessment database from thinkstep. With the linked data, SchüCal can calculate completely individualized LCAs – and then generate product-specific EPDs or Cradle to Cradle® certificates with a mouse click.
How have your customers reacted to your offer?
Mr. Bielefeld:
Our customers are very interested. Particularly in connection with the growing number of buildings with DGNB certificates or other labels, the demand for EPDs for windows and facades is increasing. With SchüCal a facade or window manufacturer can quickly and flexibly generate and submit customized EPDs.
Still another advantage. In the planning phase the manufacturer can calculate the environmental performance for design variants and compare them. That's added value for planners and architects and a way for processors to distinguish themselves from the competition.
What are your next sustainability goals?
Mr. Bielefeld:
A very important topic for us is digital consulting – like Building Information Modeling (BIM) – for our customers and partners. Until recently constructional details and information about costs were the primary concerns. Now, however, the demand for environmental information is rising. With our tools at hand, we are very well prepared. Nevertheless, we want to continue to develop ourselves in this area.
Mr. Bielefeld, we thank you for talking to us.
More Information
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Porträt Herr Bielefeld
Grafik Automatisierung
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