Solid CDP ranking

NORDEN is one of just 3 shipping companies in the world, out of 18 investigated shipping firms, to have a clear environmental strategy, strategies which support the common goal of a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of at least 50% in the sector, while at the same time, pursuing efforts towards phasing them out entirely.

This is the conclusion in the CDP report ‘A Sea Change’. The ranking shows that NORDEN is one of just two companies to actively pioneer the use of second-generation biofuels, ranks NORDEN third for emission reduction target aligned with the IMO’s, and ranks NORDEN joint first for ship recycling governance (although NORDEN has not recycled a vessel since 1928). “CDP’s shipping report rankings are designed to indicate company readiness to transition to a low carbon economy. We do this by assessing companies’ relative performance across a series of climate and financial related metrics. These rankings provide a useful benchmark for investors of companies’ relative exposure and readiness for managing climate related risk. The findings of our reports can be used by investors in their investment process to engage with companies on areas for improvement or to select companies that are better positioned to address climate challenges,” Kane Marcell, Research Analyst, CDP, tells NORDEN News.

Demonstrating commitment to the environment, human rights and anti-corruption
Under the International Marine Purchasing Association (IMPA) umbrella, the responsible supply chain management process for shipping, IMPA ACT, was founded by J Lauritzen and NORDEN and is open for all to participate. Chosen among a pool of over 500 firms, IMPA ACT has been awarded the Green Organisation’s 2019 International Green Apple Award for developing environmental best practices. “It was our well-rounded IMPA ACT Supplier Code of Conduct aligned with UN principles for best practice, our toolbox that streamlines the CSR work of global shipping departments and our continuous efforts to raise awareness and instil some degree of CSR uniformity in the shipping industry that brought us this award,” says Jasmine Schestak, IMPA.

Certified in anti-corruption
NORDEN has once again passed the TRACE certification, an in-depth anti-corruption process, which according to CSR and Compliance Manager Kristina Kunigenas is vital as part of ongoing efforts to take an active stand against corruption and bribery in shipping.

08.10.2019Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S


Solid CDP ranking

17.09.2019Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S


NORDEN opretter målrettet funktion i indsatsen mod CO2-udledninger

05.03.2019Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S


Norden 2018

13.02.2019Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S



13.02.2019Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S



21.06.2018Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S


Orients Fond og NORDEN støtter kamp mod plastikforurening