2030 Builders


Sustainability Engagement Consultative call

Participate in an open discussion hosted by Mia Negru, co-founder of 2030 Builders. Engage in a dynamic dialogue focusing on the unique challenges and best practices in sustainability engagement. This session aims to foster a collaborative environment where you can exchange insights with fellow professionals, explore innovative solutions, and learn how to leverage technology to enhance human interactions within your company.




Google Meet

Start dato

2. august 2024 kl. 12:00

Slut dato

2. august 2024 kl. 13:00

Foto: Mia Negru

We would like to invite you to an online call on August 2nd from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM (GMT +2).

The sustainability engagement manager is a relatively new corporate position. 

While we have been active in the sustainability engagement world for over six years, we recognize the importance of open dialogue among the individuals globally holding this role.

This call aims to facilitate an open discussion where you will have the opportunity to share your challenges, best practices, and insights with each other.

Additionally, we want to explore how technology can help foster more human interactions within your company.

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