Collaboration Crossroads: Recognizing When to Part Ways for Greater Impact
Business-led, pre-competitive collaborative initiatives are a cornerstone of systems change and advancing solutions to systematic problems. However, collaborations are not meant to be everlasting, and companies must recognize when it’s time to pull the plug.
Collaborating to Advance the SDGs: Three Considerations for Business Leaders
Business-led multi-stakeholder collaborations play a key role in advancing the SDGs in that they bring together the knowledge, financial resources, and innovation capabilities of business and non-business actors to solve systemic challenges.
Fashion Industry’s Four Largest Women’s Empowerment Programs Form New Initiative RISE to Scale Impact
BSR’s HERproject, Gap Inc., P.A.C.E, CARE, and Better Work have come together to form a new initiative called RISE: Reimagining Industry to Support Equality in order to scale impact and accelerate equality for women workers.
29.10.2020Food Nation
Grønne visioner for fremtiden - H.K.H. Kronprinsens besøg ved Food Nation Visitor Centre Aarhus
Den danske fødevareklynges bæredygtige optimering af produktion og processer kan for alvor skabe værdi internationalt og repræsentanter fra klyngen delte den 28. oktober deres grønne visioner med Kronprinsen under hans besøg i Food Nation Visitor Centre.
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