CSDDD:Using a Risk-Based Approach to Address Human Rights and Environmental Impacts in Supply Chains
The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) expects companies to take a risk-based approach to address human rights and environmental impacts. Assessing impacts across the supply chain is a challenging requirement for companies. BSR’s Human Rights team walks through the three steps involved in a risk-based approach.
30.05.2024SUSTAINX ApS
EU giver grønt lys til CSDDD - hvad ved vi om den kommende lovgivning?
Den 24. maj 2024 stemte et flertal i EU-organet Det Europæiske Råd for det nye direktiv om Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, også kaldet CSDDD eller CS3D. I artiklen her giver jeg en introduktion til den nye lovgivning, samt hvad den helt konkret kan få af betydning for din virksomhed.
CSDDD: A Pragmatic Approach to Managing Human Rights and Environmental Impacts
On April 24, the EU Parliament formally approved the CSDDD, a major milestone in the global advancement and harmonization of responsible business conduct standards, promising to help companies respect human rights, and achieve climate and other environmental goals.
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