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12.09.2024NOVENCO Building & Industry A/S
Why do we favour renewables over energy efficiency?
It is beyond discussion that the global climate emergency calls for solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and requires decarbonisation. Often, the spotlight is aimed at renewable energy as the solution, but in fact, we can achieve 44% of the required global reductions by capturing the potential of energy efficiency, according to World Economic Forumi. Retrofitting existing buildings with energy-efficient solutions can be a fast and financially wise route to achieve the environmental targets set out in, for example, the Singapore Green Plan for 2030.
31.05.2024NOVENCO Building & Industry A/S
NOVENCO Building & Industry slutter sig til Science-Based Targets initiative og styrker sit engagement i ambitiøse klimamål
Hos NOVENCO Building & Industry har vi fokus på 100% CO2-neutralitet inden 2050 i hele vores værdikæde. Engagementet i klimaet og den grønne omstilling er vigtigt for os og vi ønsker at gøre mere, hvorfor vi har sluttet os til den globale standard Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Selve initiativet SBTi hjælper virksomheder og organisationer forme deres klimamål i overensstemmelse med FN’s historiske Paris-aftale fra 2015.
17.11.2022NOVENCO Building & Industry A/S
Energieffektivitet og bæredygtighed går hånd i hånd
Der er måske ikke helt samme opmærksomhed på genanvendelighed som på energieffektivitet eller vedvarende energi. Måske burde der det og især i områder med affaldsdeponeringsudfordringer, hvor genanvendelighed er afgørende for en bæredygtig fremtid.
17.11.2022NOVENCO Building & Industry A/S
Better results through increased upcycling of materials
The ’Design for recycling’ project in close cooperation with Stena Recycling has given NOVENCO® Building & Industry clear benefits. Among them is the Recyclability Analysis, which reveals the impressive result that the NOVENCO ZerAx® fans have a 98% recyclability rating. This is the highest recyclability rating of a fan in the market.
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