Nature Climate Change
Integrating Climate and Nature: A Dual Approach to Business Resilience
Solving the climate crisis requires a holistic understanding of nature's critical role. The most productive way forward is to use integrated strategies and take a dual approach to climate change and nature. Over half the world’s total GDP is highly dependent on nature and its services, with an estimated $58 trillion exposed to nature-related risk. Lara Birkes, Managing Director for Climate and Nature, explores how businesses can act on these interconnected challenges and thrive in an increasingly complex operating environment.
Det globale CO2-budget halveret
Klimaforskere har dårlige nyheder til resten af verden, i det seneste nummer af bladet Nature Climate Change. Skal vi holde den globale opvarmning under to grader, er der kun plads til at udlede halvt så meget CO2 fra fossile brændstoffer, som vi troede.
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