25.10.2019Sustainable Brand Index
3 Focus Areas According to Sustainability Experts
In 2019, we decided to conduct a research among a panel of experts (across The Nordics & The Netherlands) on what they predict to be the most important focus areas within sustainability in the upcoming years (Sustainable Brand Index™, 2019).
03.10.2018Sustainable Brand Index
Influencers And The Quest For Credible Communication
New stakeholders are emerging across platforms and with different mandates. With that the impact of ‘influencers’ on consumption and behaviour is also increasing. What does this means in light of sustainability?
Eksperter er ’bekymrede’ over Ocean Cleanup-projekt – Ocean Cleanup afviser kritik
I en rundspørge udtrykker 15 eksperter i plastikforurening diverse bekymringer omkring Ocean Cleanups ambitioner i forhold til at ind- og opsamle plastaffald fra Stillehavet. Ocean Cleanup kalder imidlertid kritikken besynderlig, spørgsmålene ledende og konklusionerne forudindtagede.
11.06.2018Sustainable Brand Index
Swedes Have Doubts About Shared Ownership
With the emergence of a circular economy, new business models and modes of consumption are arising. However, not all new forms of consumption are as equally accepted by the Swedes. Co-owning is showing one of the largest challenges. Why is that?
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