Rewards to Build Habits

Habits are not necessarily bad, however, they can be detrimental if they are unsustainable, especially routine practices that are being developed on a larger scale within a company's infrastructure. 

If you have ever heard the phrase " creature of habit ", you can relate to its essence at some point, whether it be running the same route every day or consistently buying an overpriced latte on your way to work. Habits are not necessarily bad, however, they can be detrimental if they are unsustainable, especially routine routines being developed on a larger scale within a company's infrastructure. 

Developing new and sustainable habits is not always the easiest endeavor for many reasons, but not making the reward clear is a huge one. When first trying to change a habit, it's imperative to understand what a reward actually entails. The benefits of being more sustainable are clear, however, it is just a matter of bringing them to light through education and rehearsal.

Building Sustainable Habits

According to Charles Duhigg - an expert on behavioral psychology- the majority of people who fail to try to improve their habits, most of them do not fully know how habits are formed in the first place and to rewards play a major role in the development of a routine . That being said, understanding the benefit of a reward and acknowledging the advantages of working towards long term goals is crucial in developing and maintaining sustainable habits.

Many habits develop simply because the reward is instant and easily achievable, for example smoking a cigarette. When thinking sustainably, the encompassing rewards that result from practicing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are extremely impactful and are comprised of both short term and long term advantages. Companies that start with rethinking their goal setting to be consistent with the SDGs will ultimately develop more sustainable habits while discerning the rewards in the result they obtain financially and socially.

Understand Habits Through Rewards

Secondary rewards also occur when a habit develops, and can sometimes be indirect but contribute to the existence of that developed habit. Using the cigarette example, the social interactions that manifest while smoking would be considered secondary benefits. 

When trying to quit an unsustainable habit, all the rewards , primary and secondary, must be considered when trying to better certain practices and not falling back on old habits. If all aspects of a habit's rewards are attained from a new outlet, the likelihood of failing to keep a new habit will lessen because the sensation of satisfaction is occurring.

The habits we develop can also evolve from mirroring the people around us without even realizing. Seeing others taking lead on positive actions can become a collective contribution, one way to implement the regulation.

Making a Habit Out of Choosing Sustainable Practices

What we aim to do that in 2030 Builders is to first initiate a reflection process upon the current habits yourcompany kill, and incentivize the formation of more valuable ones. We see achieving the SDGs through business practices as a reward that benefits only the company itself, as it allows to better develop sustainable habits, but that also services its clients who are more and more oriented towards sustainable products. 

Each module of our 2030 Builders impact tool gets your company one step closer to your goal of becoming more sustainable. At the same time, new habits are developed and the rewards of practicing sustainability are contextualized in a way that they contribute to overall satisfaction. The gamification aspect of every module provides forward progression towards your goal of developing new habits, and it contributes to the satisfaction of earning and reward. 

The sustainable practices start with the businesses themselves, then the customers are able to follow when opportunities exist for them to be sustainable. That's why it's the responsibility of businesses to make the first step in making sustainability achievable for people. 

The rewards that follow adopting more sustainable habits in your company can result in practices that align with SDGs. Essentially, learning how to confront the company can improve on sustainably the first step in getting closer to sustainable habits. For each level achieved on the 2030 Builders' tool, your company also becomes more successful at forming new habits and norms , much more than your New Year's resolutions you give up on at February.

19.02.20252030 Builders


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