Collaborating to Advance the SDGs: Three Considerations for Business Leaders
Business-led multi-stakeholder collaborations play a key role in advancing the SDGs in that they bring together the knowledge, financial resources, and innovation capabilities of business and non-business actors to solve systemic challenges.
26.09.2019LEO Pharma
SDG solutions through partnerships
This week heads of state and business leaders from around the world meet in New York. The purpose is clear; everybody wants to find solutions on how to achieve the world’s greatest challenges, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
27.02.2019UN Global Compact Network Denmark
Global Compact Network Denmark vil hylde erhvervslivets unge verdensmålspionerer
Global Compact Network Denmark indleder jagten på årets unge ”SDG Pioneer” i Danmark. Titlen tilfalder en ung medarbejder fra en dansk virksomhed tilsluttet Global Compact, som har gjort en særlig indsats for at opnå FN’s verdensmål.
02.05.2018TANIA ELLIS - The Social Business Company
The world’s first ethical prison labour company is a Danish startup
The Danish startup CARCEL is taking a new approach to activism: instead of blaming and criticizing, it uses its luxury brand to create positive change for poor women in prison around the world. Watch video to see how - or meet them 8 May.
Private capital must be mobilised to meet SDG goals: PensionDanmark chief
Private capital is needed on a large scale in order to realise the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 – and partnerships between pension funds and other actors are the way forward, according to PensionDanmark’s chief executive.
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