CEMAsys Joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition

Oslo– (January 13th 2021) – CEMAsys announces that it has joined the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to drive environmental and social responsibility in the apparel sector.




With its membership in the SAC, CEMAsys joins more than 250 global brands, retailers, and manufacturers, as well as government, non-profit environmental organizations, and academic institutions, which are collectively committed to improving supply chain sustainability in the apparel, footwear, and textile industry.

Per Otto Larsen, CEMAsys Head of Sustainability Services: “We are pleased to be joining the SAC, confident it will have a positive impact on product sustainability over time and become a model for how industries can collaborate in making a positive impact on value chain performance.”

“We welcome the addition of CEMAsys to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and look forward to its participation in this industry-wide effort in sustainability,” SAC Executive Director Amina Razvi said. “Having CEMAsys as part of the Coalition widens the scope of our impact within the industry and accelerates the change we’re making towards responsible industry actions.”

Companies or organizations that are not currently members of the SAC and are interested in accessing the Higg suite of tools, may inquire at https://apparelcoalition.org/join-us/.

About the Sustainable Apparel Coalition

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is an industry-wide group of more than 250 leading apparel, footwear, and textile, brands, retailers, suppliers, service providers, trade associations, nonprofits/NGOs, and academic institutions working to reduce the environmental and social impacts of products around the world. Through multi-stakeholder engagement, the SAC seeks to lead the industry toward a shared vision of sustainability built upon a common approach for measuring and evaluating apparel, footwear, and textile product sustainability performance that spotlights priorities for action and opportunities for technological innovation. The SAC was incorporated as a 501c(6) nonprofit organization and launched the groundbreaking Higg Index suite of tools in 2011.

For more information, visit apparelcoalition.org.

About CEMAsys

About CEMAsys

CEMAsys.com was established in 2007 as one of the first specialized climate change and sustainability consultancies in Norway. Today, CEMAsys is a leading provider of solutions for the entire Environmental Social Governance (ESG) segment and is the only accredited CDP and SBT partner in the Nordics. CEMAsys has 400+ international clients and its services for the apparel sector include:

• Carbon Accounting
• ESG & GRI consultancy
• Science Based Target Setting
• Sustainability strategy development
• CDP Reporting consultancy
• TCFD consultancy
• Offsetting

About the Sustainable Apparel Coalition

About the Sustainable Apparel Coalition:
The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) is an industry-wide group of more than 250 leading apparel, footwear, and textile, brands, retailers, suppliers, service providers, trade associations, nonprofits/NGOs, and academic institutions working to reduce the environmental and social impacts of products around the world. Through multi-stakeholder engagement, the SAC seeks to lead the industry toward a shared vision of sustainability built upon a common approach for measuring and evaluating apparel, footwear, and textile product sustainability performance that spotlights priorities for action and opportunities for technological innovation. The SAC was incorporated as a 501c(6) nonprofit organization and launched the groundbreaking Higg Index suite of tools in 2011. For more information, visit apparelcoalition.org.



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