Sustainability Management
Beyond 2025: Setting Credible Sustainability Goals for Long-Term Impact
Intensifying climate impact, explosive growth in AI, the evolving regulatory landscape and increasingly polarized stakeholder demands are all influencing how companies consider and communicate their sustainability goals and targets.
29.05.2023Aros Business Academy
Bør du tage en Mini MBA i Sustainability Management?
Mini MBA i Sustainability Management er en kortere og mere kondenseret uddannelse end en traditionel MBA. Den er udviklet af Aros Business Academy i tæt samarbejde med professor Steen Hildebrandt, der inden for de seneste år er blevet et fyrtårn i debatten om bæredygtighed.
What the ESG Critics Are Right About—And Where They’re Misguided
Like consumer prices, sustainable business has been on a rollercoaster since COVID-19 emerged over two years ago. Sustainability or ESG (environment, social, and governance) considerations were a business, investor, and media darling. Until recently.
Activating Directors on Sustainability: Six Questions for Your Board
The European Commission Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive sets out ambitious new guidance on the personal duties of directors. New director duties are also part of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
The Norwegian Transparency Act: Key Insights for Business
Majestic fjords, Nobel Peace prizes, and cheese slicers are not the only special features of Norway—there is also an important culture of trust and transparency among peers. So much so that everyone’s income and taxes are made public for everyone to see.
17.06.2022Sustainable Business Solutions ApS
Den svære CSR-rolle
Sustainability management er et interdisciplinært arbejde og ansvar, der ofte påhviler én person. Samtidig er det et nyt felt for virksomheder at arbejde med. Mange oplever derfor store udfordringer forbundet med at varetage ansvaret og rollen.
2022: Purposeful Sustainability Leadership for Turbulent Times
The last two years have made predictions seem to be exercises in futility. In fact, the dynamics reshaping our world are largely the product of underlying changes we already were fully aware of; none of this was entirely unexpected.
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