Sustainability Reporting
The EU Omnibus: What’s at Stake for Business, People, and the Planet
A leaked document has indicated that on January 29, the EU will release details on the Omnibus Simplification Package, which proposes to streamline reporting requirements across three key EU Green Deal laws. Here's what businesses need to know ahead of the proposal’s release.
What is CSRD? Overview of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) was introduced by the European Commission late in 2022, and is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that reshapes how companies across Europe disclose their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance.
Sustainability Strategy in the Age of Regulation: Don’t Lose the Plot
The whirlwind of new sustainability regulations and immediate compliance and legal requirements can put pressure on already capacity-constrained teams and make it more difficult for even mature companies to maintain the necessary focus on, and investment in a clear and manageable set of sustainability priorities.
17.02.2023Dansk Erhverv
CSRD – oftest stillede spørgsmål
Hvilke virksomheder er omfattet af de nye regler om CRSD, og hvornår skal man begynde at afrapportere? Hvilke standarder skal der bruges og er det obligatorisk at bruge en revisor? Alt det og meget mere kan du få svar i denne FAQ, hvor vi stiller skarpt på Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, og ikke mindst på, hvad det betyder for dig og din virksomhed. Har du spørgsmål til CSRD, så læs med her.
13.10.2021Better Energy
Better Energy bliver en del af Future-Fits Development Council
Energiselskabet Better Energy slutter sig til Future-Fit Foundations Development Council, en gruppe multinationale virksomheder og investorer, der bestræber sig på forstå og forfølge socialt og miljømæssigt lederskab.
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