Sustainable business starts from within

When companies talk about scale they usually talk about growth of size or profit. But what about using your business to scale compassion and empathy? This is exactly what CEO of, Martin Bjergegaard, has set out to do.

CEO, Martin Bjergegaard is on a mission to transform to a purpose driven company. .

Warm-hearted, Whole person and World-focused

These are the three Ws that serial entrepreneur and CEO Martin Bjergegaard lives by - whether it’s starting a new business or choosing who he wants to work with.

Martin has had ample opportunity to proof-test these principles.

He’s the founder of 10 companies and co-founder of Rainmaking - a company that turns ideas into business and invests in start-ups - which so far has launched 25 companies across its offices with 200 team members in Copenhagen, London and Berlin. 

From profit-first to purpose-first

In 2005 the lunch catering startup was built as a spin off from Rainmaking. 

As CEO of the company, Martin has grown the startup into a successful business with offices in Denmark and The Netherlands, 30+ employees and annual revenues of more than 20m EUR. 

But to Martin Bjergegaard, success in business is about more than organizational and financial growth. 

Business must also serve as a workplace that genuinely cares for its team members and that gives them the best possible foundation for engagement, collaboration, health and well-being. 

That’s why Martin has kick-started a transformational process in, where purpose is put before profit, and where consciousness, care and compassion are centre-stage. 

The inside-out perspective of sustainability

Sustainability in business is not only a corporate matter. It’s also a personal one.

How to build your business into something big, sustainable and widely recognized - and still lead a happy, whole and balanced life, is therefore something that has intrigued Martin for years.

He has coined this as “Winning WIthout Losing”, which is also the title of a book that he co-authored back in 2013.  

For Martin Bjergegaard, the change towards developing a more conscious business has started with his own inner journey through mindful awareness and meditation. 

As Martin explains: “By dropping into the heart all feelings of stress and being squeezed will seize to exist. From this place, and only from this place, can we build something that is truly benefitting the whole.

And this is exactly what he has set out to put centre-stage of the internal change process in

As he explains:“Love and compassion in business is important. Profit is a natural byproduct of creating value for others.”

Get how-to insights from Martin Bjergegaard 8th of Nov in Copenhagen

If you want to learn more about how Martin Bjergegaard is using compassion and love to transform from within to be a more purpose-focused company, you can meet him at The Social Business Club miniconference “Purpose, Passion & Personal Sustainability”on the 8th of November in Copenhagen.

The half-day event will also give you insights and concrete inspiration from:

  • The international social business expert who provides an overview of global trends and cases on personal sustainability (Tania Ellis, Special Advisor & Founder, The Social Business Company)
  • The sustainability director, that applies Native American wisdom principles and mindfulness in one of Denmark’s largest energy companies (Marianne Kildedal, Head of Responsible Leadership & CSR, SEAS-NVE)
  • The WEF Young Global Leader, who will explain why integrating nature, meditation and silence into our personal and professional lives will be a key sustainability driver. (Laura Storm, Founder, Regenerators)

Throughout the program, we will discuss, network and exchange experience and ideas of how you can integrate purpose, passion and personal sustainability into your own business and (work) life.

The miniconference Purpose, Passion & Personal Sustainability 

Learn more about Martin Bjergegaard's work at and at

The Social Business Club is an inspirational network forum for professionals from around the world with an interest in innovative and sustainable business practices that create value for society and the bottom line. Free sign-up at

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