Sustainbility report 2018 Forbo flooring system

Creating better environments is more than just a tag-line, it is our program to change our current organization into a circular platform for both products and processes.

It is our goal that customers  experience healthy buildings with our floor coverings on which they work, live, interact, relax, heal, learn and play. We do so by creating an organization together with our suppliers where we respect human values for our workers and those working in our worldwide supply chain, whereby we subscribe to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

09.12.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Grøn vækst er også finansiel vækst

11.11.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Særlige gulve skal give patienter på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus gladere patienter

08.11.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Bæredygtighed kan have flere nuancer og farver end grøn

19.10.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Nu kan du træne med ekstra god samvittighed

07.10.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Æstetik og bæredygtighed kan sagtens gå hånd i hånd

07.09.2021Forbo Flooring A/S


Institutionernes klimaløsninger findes på gulvet