From waste to beautiful interior

The pulp collection is the new generation of zero waste paper pots from OOhh Collection.

The products are handmade from waste paper and then coated inside with natural latex to provide you a beautiful waterproof product.

Have you ever questioned - why we keep producing new raw materials when waste can be turned into stunning new products?

Find it here

18.06.2024Lübech Living ApS


Donationer til børnehjem

14.05.2024Lübech Living ApS


Bæredygtige valg kan betyde at man må være tålmodig

30.04.2024Lübech Living ApS


100% genbrugsglas frem for nyt glas

24.04.2024Lübech Living ApS


Hvorfor håndlavede produkter?

03.04.2024Lübech Living ApS


Social ansvarlighed er Lübech Livings højeste prioritet

12.03.2024Lübech Living ApS


Fokus på bæredygtighed for hotel- og restaurationsbranchen