Artikler virksomheden er nævnt i
Wehlers: From fishing net to chair designs
Wehlers is a Danish sustainable furniture brand founded in Copenhagen in 2017 with a mission to create a planet with no waste. They design furniture solely made with recycled and sustainably sourced materials. Wehlers works with the term circular economy and insists on their furniture being repaired, reused and recycled during and after the “end of life cycle.”
A Chair Designed to Change the Furniture Industry
Wehlers taps into yet another problem the World faces today, plastic waste from electronics and electrical equipment. What will be the new ‘normal’? Doing things differently is tough but necessary. We have to do business that gives more than we take. That’s why we make furniture out of waste or before seen as waste. -We see it as a resource.
”Genbrug uden cirkulær økonomi er jo bare et beskæftigelsesprojekt”
For møbelvirksomheden Wehlers er det ikke nok at bruge plast fra havet. Selve designet skal være cirkulært, så det kan skilles ad og genbruges. Det er en historie, der klinger godt, og kunderne strømmer til, fortæller medstifter Henrik Holm.
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