amfori supports responsible purchasing practices
The effects of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) as a public health crisis are being felt globally. The impact has been causing unprecedented disruptions not only in everyday life, but also in operations of businesses world wide.
amfori encourages businesses to maintain responsible buying practices and offer them help through this new guidance..
The impact of COVID-19 - spreading fast around the world - has been causing unprecedented disruptions on all walks of life from personal and public health to supply chain idling. Suspension of production, inter-city/country travel bans and the cancellation of all kinds of trade events are only the tip of the iceberg.
Governments around the world have taken necessary actions to slow the spread of the virus. These actions, combined with the challenges posed by the virus itself, are having a disruptive impact on many businesses and global supply chains. For many businesses even in consuming end of the supply chain the primary focus is to stay afloat. As a business driven organisation amfori understands the struggle of companies and work hard to support our members where possible.
Although these are challenging times for businesses, we must continue to strive for sustainable supply chains which respect human rights, uphold core labour standards and protect the environment. We must work together and prepare for the future.
It is crucial for businesses to support each other throughout the supply chain in order to observe these values. Think long term in business relations and carefully consider all potential ramifications in the supply chain when taking significant purchasing decisions.
At amfori we continue working hard to provide our members with as many of our services as possible. Consult our dedicated webpage where we regularly post articles and other resources on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on trade and supply chains.
Furthermore we have launched amfori gudelines for Responsible Purchasing Practices in times of COVID-19 that are publicly awaiable through our website.
We call upon businesses to do their utmost to maintain responsible buying practices even in these challenging times and we hope the guidance will be shared and implementet by many.