30.09.2021KLS Grafisk Hus A/S
Bæredygtighed skal også være business
Steffen Max Høgh er en af de førende eksperter inden for bæredygtighed. Udover en grundlæggende interesse for bæredygtighed, startede han selv i 2014 kontormøbel virksomheden 3R Kontor – hvor de tre R’er står for Reuse (genbrug), Recycle (genanvendelse) og Refursish (istandsættelse). Tanken var at hjælpe virksomheder med at skærpe deres sociale ansvar (CSR) og igangsætte den cirkulære økonomi i praksis.
The Next Decade of Business and Human Rights
To mark 10 years of the UNGPs, the BSR Human Rights team is exploring additional action business can take to create a rights-respecting future. Follow along for deep dives on issues and approaches that will shape the next decade of Business & Human Rights
23.09.2020Food Nation
New white paper: Ingredients – Solutions of Tomorrow by the Danish Ingredient Sector
The global food supply is facing vast challenges, and as the population continues to grow, this raises an important question: How will we ensure a sustainable supply of safe, high-quality food to consumers all over the world?
03.09.2020Food Nation
Initiate a green transition with sustainable products and solutions from the Danish food cluster
Sustainability plays a continuously important role when doing business abroad. According to a new analysis by the public-private Danish partnership Food Nation, 44% of the surveyed decision makers in the agriculture and food industry mean that sustainabil
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