Dansk landbrug
En ny plantefond på 675 millioner kroner skal fremme dansk produktion af plantebaserede fødevarer
Snart kan der søges støttekroner, hvis man ønsker at bidrage til udviklingen af dansk produktion af plantebaserede fødevarer. Fødevareminister Rasmus Prehn (S) kalder det "hamrende vigtigt for udviklingen mod et grønnere landbrug i Danmark."
16.11.2021Food Nation
Taking Vodka to New Heights Due to Local Produce
In the unique agricultural environment around Lammefjorden in Denmark, a small Danish enterprise uses local surplus potatoes to create a vodka that is unique in taste and represents how the Danish food arena puts emphasis on the use of locally grown foods.
03.09.2020Food Nation
Initiate a green transition with sustainable products and solutions from the Danish food cluster
Sustainability plays a continuously important role when doing business abroad. According to a new analysis by the public-private Danish partnership Food Nation, 44% of the surveyed decision makers in the agriculture and food industry mean that sustainabil
16.12.2019Food Nation
New white paper on health: Leading the way towards healthy food solutions
With a global reality where 800 million people are undernourished and more than 2.2 billion people are obese at the same time, innovation of healthy foods and solutions is a key to meeting the challenges. The new white paper on Health describes Denmark’s
22.11.2016Daka Denmark A/S
Daka udvider PIGUP&KO konceptet med afhentningspladser – Mindre bøvl, mere sikkerhed
Hos Daka SecAnim er det vigtigste parameter i forhold til afhentning af døde dyr, at der er den højest mulige sikkerhed for vores kunder, når det kommer til smitterisiko. Derfor har vi udviklet en produktserie af løsninger til afhentningspladser.
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