DLG partner in a new ground-breaking project – ‘No-Methane’

Innovation Fund Denmark has invested EUR 2,2 million in the research project; ‘No-Methane’, in which a specific product is to be developed to reduce methane emissions from the cow by up to 50%. DLG is a key partner in the project, and if the goal of the project is reached, it will resonate throughout the world.

The cow is often referred to as agriculture’s number one climate sinner. When it burps, it emits methane, which is a polluting greenhouse gas, and one of the main reasons for the emission of CO2 from agricultural production. Therefore, it is good news that Innovation Fund Denmark has approved an investment in the project, ‘No-Methane’, which will carry out research in a specific product that, when added to the cow’s feed, can reduce methane emissions from the cow’s rumen by up to 50 %.

A collaborative research project with DLG as a key partner
The project is led by Professor Mette Olaf Nielsen from the Department of Animal Science at Aarhus University, who has teamed up with companies in the food industry to create the best conditions for both research and distribution of the product through collaboration.

DLG is a key partner in the project whose role as a feed company involves both maturing and developing the product to make it suitable and ready for the market while being the ones who will deliver the product to farmers – both in Denmark and abroad.

Great potential at home and abroad
In the No-Methane-project, research will be done on three different feed solutions with the goal to find a solution that will reduce the methane produced in cows’ rumen. If this project succeeds, it will resonate throughout the world since the CO2 reduction in agricultural production will be significant.

With a cow’s methane emissions being a problem, DLG seeks to contribute to the development of a greener agriculture of the future in the ‘No-methane-project’ by participating in the problem-solving of the issue.

Participants in the project are Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, Arla, Danish Crown, SEGES, Lactobio, Vilofoss and DLG. The research project is expected to have a duration of at least four years.

Source: DLG

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