An Impact-Based Approach to Responsible AI
AI is evolving at speed, creating unprecedented opportunities and challenges across every industry and function. A responsible approach to AI goes beyond policies and principles to consider AI’s impacts on people and the environment across the company’s value chain over the short, medium and long term. BSR’s tech team offers key considerations for navigating AI’s evolving landscape responsibly.
Volvo og Blåkläder Workwear går sammen om ekstraordinært miljøinitiativ
Blåkläder Workwear, en af verdens førende producenter af arbejdstøj og sikkerhedsfodtøj, er gået sammen med Volvo i et grønt projekt med store perspektiver. Projektet involverer en af verdens første full-size elektriske lastbiler. Læs med!
25.03.2020KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
KLM and Neste are taking another step forward in sustainable aviation fuel for flights from Schiphol
KLM has purchased sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for flights out of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The sustainable fuel is produced by Neste from used cooking oil and will reduce CO2 emissions by up to 80 % compared to fossil kerosene. This purchase is the next step in the use of sustainable fuel as it is the first time the fuel will be supplied using the existing infrastructure at Schiphol. Furthermore, Neste is joining KLM’s Corporate BioFuel Programme. In doing so, Neste will reduce the CO2 emissions of its own business travel on KLM flights by 100%.
ESG-nøgletal i PensionDanmarks årsregnskab
PensionDanmark har valgt at offentliggøre en ESG hoved- og nøgletalsoversigt (Environment, Social and Governance) efter den vejledning, som FSR – danske revisorer, Nasdaq og Finansforeningen lancerede i juni 2019. For at sikre en høj troværdighed omkring ESG-nøgletallene er disse tillige blevet omfattet af revisionspåtegningen, hvilket er nyt i dansk sammenhæng.
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