Food waste
05.10.2023Bureau Veritas
Fødevarestandarder sætter rammen og sikrer fælles retningslinjer | Bureau Veritas temadag om Food Waste & Loss
Mød Lone Hansen, Market Leader Retail & Food, når hun vil gøre os klogere på udviklingen af ny ISO-standard om Food Waste & Loss samt de nye krav i FSSC 22000 version 6.
28.09.2023Bureau Veritas
Sammen mod madspild af Selina Juul | Bureau Veritas temadag om Food Waste & Loss
Mød Selina Juul, Stifter og bestyrelsesformand af Stop Spild Af Mad, og bliv klogere på madspild, fremtiden, overforbrug, stigende verdensbefolkning, massive klimaforandringer og mangel på ressourcer.
Zero Waste through Material Management
Setting a goal of Zero Waste must start somewhere. The City of Fort Collins started at 50% and made a compelling business case on taking it further by estimating $6.5M worth of valuable resources thrown away every year in Fort Collins alone (Zero Waste Associates, 2013). As the City of Fort Collins, the first step is identifying a goal and then establish a plan on how to reach that goal.
12.03.2020KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
KLM is the first airline in the world to trial the recycling of different catering items within a closed-loop system.
The 18th of December 2019, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flew flight KL0681 from Amsterdam to Vancouver with catering supplies on board that have mostly been collected and recycled within a new, closed-loop system. The containers, lids and glasses were collected earlier this month off four Vancouver Amsterdam flights. They have now been cleaned and are after recycling being reused on this flight.
17.04.2019Food Nation
Danish Bacterial Culture to Reduce Food Waste
Around the world, food waste is a challenge. The United Nations estimates that one third of global food production is wasted.Bacterial cultures from Danish ingredient company, Chr. Hansen, expand the life of products and decrease food waste.
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