I fokus: Klima som risiko
Klimaindsatsen bør have to sider: reduktion af udledninger og håndtering af de risici, konsekvenserne af klimakrisen skaber for ens forretning. Vi ser på, hvordan man kan gribe risiko-arbejdet an, og hvordan det er at arbejde med the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD's) anbefalinger.
Building Climate Resilience in Southeast Asia
Businesses worldwide are facing climate risks, and companies with operations or supply chains in Southeast Asia are exposed to a range of climate hazards and vulnerabilities that can exacerbate these risks. To prepare for the effects of climate change, businesses in the region need to build resilience.
A 21st-Century Social Contract Must Include a Just Transition to a Net-Zero Economy
Drawn front and center and exacerbated by the many crises the world faces today—the COVID-19 pandemic, climate impacts, economic inequality, and the racial justice movement—it is clear that the current social contract is not fit for purpose. The ways in which institutions and individuals interact, including the way we do business, do not reflect reality, and they do not take into account the fundamental systemic inequalities, inequities, and discrimination that many across the globe face today. As Sharan Burrow, the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation, wrote earlier this year: “The social contract is broken! Workers want a New Social Contract that delivers decent work for all.”
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: A Call For Action to Build Resilience Post-COVID
From the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 to extreme weather events like the wildfires in Australia and the Amazon, 2020 severely tests the resilience of Indigenous Peoples across the globe. On the commemoration of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), we recognize that there is still much to be done to prevent, mitigate, and remedy the current and forthcoming adverse impacts of climate change to which Indigenous Peoples are particularly vulnerable.
Climate Action in the Value Chain: Reducing Scope 3 Emissions and Achieving Science-Based Targets
Business has a vital role to play in the effort to limit global warming to 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement targets—and ambition is rising. To date, over 800 companies have committed to setting science-based targets (SBTs) to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in line with climate science.
COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis: Building Resilience with People at the Core
In what feels like the blink of an eye, COVID-19 has dislocated our daily lives, our economy, and the way we do business, with little visibility on when the crisis will be resolved. Our experience with this pandemic makes one thing very clear, however—we need to become more resilient, and people have to be at the core. Despite warning after warning of a potential pandemic, we weren’t ready for this public health crisis: governments, businesses, and people alike.
Virksomheder skal forstå klima som risiko
Når virksomheder arbejder med klima, har der indtil for relativt nyligt været en blind vinkel. For mens der længe har været værktøjer og forventninger til, at virksomheder reducerer deres påvirkning af klimaet, er klimaets påvirkning af virksomheder et langt mere ubeskrevet område. Men ikke desto mindre der, hvor virksomheder lever og dør.
Første danske dagligvarekæde: Lidl vil være CO2-neutral allerede i år
Klimaforandringer er en af samfundets største trusler. Derfor har Lidl sat sig det mål, at allerede i år at neutralisere deres udledning af CO2 fra kædens forbrug af energi og egne aktiviteter. Al CO2-udledning fra både varme- og elforbrug i hele kæden samt firmabiler vil dermed blive kompenseret 100 %.
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