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THREE CENTRAL EU REGULATIONS GET THE FINAL STAMP OF APPROVAL: This week, #CSDDD, the EU #ForcedLabour Regulation and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (#PPWR) got the final stamps of approval by the EU Parliament - it hasn't been smooth sailing for either of them so worthy of celebration, we think!
META AND THE WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE (WRI) LAUNCH NEW AI TOOL TO MAP THE EARTH'S FORESTS: Last, but not least, this week gave us a perfect use case of what AI and technology can do to advance critical sustainability objectives, with exciting potential to enhance the much-needed integrity of #carbonremovals linked to #naturebasedsolutions and #reforestation.
NEW GUIDANCE ON ANTI-GREENWASHING RULES FOR UK INVESTMENT MANAGERS: A new guidance document to support the implementation of the #AntiGreenwashing Rule was released by the UK financial conduct authority (FCA) this week - a must-read for all investment managers and their advisors when articulating their funds' sustainability credentials (even outside the UK)
CHINA IS MOVING FASTER THAN EXPECTED IN DECARBONISING ITS ENERGY SYSTEM: A new report by DNV finds some much needed grounds for optimism in the global pursuit of #netzero. Driven by China's massive expansion of renewable energy, China is set to reduce absolute emissions by a staggering 70% by 2050, with emissions expected to peak already by 2026 and a 30% reduction by 2040.