07.06.2023TANIA ELLIS - The Social Business Company
6 veje til det bæredygtige forbrugerhjerte
Hvordan skal man som virksomhed tappe ind i markedspotentialet for bevidst forbrug og vinde forbrugernes gunst? Og hvordan kan man ændre forbrugernes adfærd, hvis man som virksomhed selv har grønne ambitioner? Her er 6 principper og cases til inspiration.
17.10.2017TANIA ELLIS - The Social Business Company
How do you link your CSR efforts to sales and customer relations?
How can you put corporate responsibility and sustainability into the heart of your sales and customer relations efforts? Get hands-on insights and inspiration from CSR practitioners from both B2B and B2C industries at miniconference in Copenhagen 9 Nov.
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