Building an Effective Supply Chain Data Ecosystem to Prevent Forced Labor
New laws will require a more integrated and reliable data and technology ecosystem to prioritize action against forced labor in global supply chains. BSR’s Collaborative Initiative Tech Against Trafficking (TAT) has recently issued seven principled recommendations for an effective supply chain data ecosystem, where data is shared at greater scale and for greater impact.
The EU AI Act: What it Means for Your Business
With the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act soon to come into force, leaders around the world are considering the implications for business. BSR’s Technology and Human Rights teams discuss the key features of the Act, and who will be affected.
18.09.2023Foxway A/S
Device as a Service (DaaS) - et bidrag til den cirkulære økonomi
Hvert år produceres der 50 millioner tons E-affald. Dette svarer til vægten af alle passagerfly, der nogensinde er produceret, 4500 Eiffeltårne - eller nok til at dække et område svarende til Manhattan. Hvis vi ikke foretager en drastisk ændring, vil vi inden 2050 tale om hele 120 millioner tons årligt. Her kommer "Device as a Service" ind i billedet.
Why Every Business Needs to Think about Responsible AI
It’s time for all companies to take a human rights-based approach to the deployment and use of artificial intelligence (AI). Upcoming regulations will require companies to take appropriate measures to identify current and potential impacts.
Reimagining Investment: Human Rights in Venture Capital
Private equity firms, including venture capital (VC) firms, have come under scrutiny regarding the funding of human rights abuses as media attention has grown over the use of spying technologies to track minorities, journalists, immigrants, and activists.
3 værktøjer sikrer dig ansvarlige tech-investeringer
ESG-orienteret investorer er mere sandsynlige til at investere i tech-virksomheder. Men moderne teknologi kan have en mørk bagside, hvis det bruges på den forkerte måde. Derfor skal investorer holde tungen lige i munden, når de udvælger deres næste tech-investering.
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