Applying the UNGPs to Technology
The UN Human Rights Council recently initiated an expert consultation on the practical application of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) to the activities of technology companies, and it sought formal input from stakeholders.
The Future of Business and Human Rights
As we celebrated Human Rights Day on December 10— the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights—we reflect on the role of business in shaping a future in which human rights are respected and protected in law and practice.
Reimagining Investment: Human Rights in Venture Capital
Private equity firms, including venture capital (VC) firms, have come under scrutiny regarding the funding of human rights abuses as media attention has grown over the use of spying technologies to track minorities, journalists, immigrants, and activists.
The Shared Opportunity to Promote: A Second-Decade Priority for the UNGPs
To mark 10 years of the UNGPs, BSR is reflecting on what additional action business can take to create a rights-respecting future. Explore our first deep dive on the shared opportunity to promote human rights
The Next Decade of Business and Human Rights
To mark 10 years of the UNGPs, the BSR Human Rights team is exploring additional action business can take to create a rights-respecting future. Follow along for deep dives on issues and approaches that will shape the next decade of Business & Human Rights
Når det ikke sker af sig selv, må der en bundprop i
Virksomhederne rykker ikke for alvor med at indføre systematisk due diligence på menneskerettigheder. Samtidig – måske af samme grund – kommer der mere og mere lovgivning. Det meste af det nationalt og på enkeltområder, mens både NGO’er, eksperter og virksomheder ønsker sig fælles regler fra EU.
26.08.2016Global CSR
Menneskerettigheder og Erhverv: Et simpelt redskab til at overkomme en overvældende opgave
Virksomheder skal løbende vurdere deres mulige negative indvirkninger på menneskerettighederne, og redegøre for, hvad de gør for at forebygge og afbøde - samt kunne vise resultatet. GLOBAL CSR har udviklet redskabet til at gøre det. Se www.csrCloud.com
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