Bæredygtige byer
10.11.2022MeetDenmark - Dansk Erhvervs- og Mødeturisme
Examples of areas where Danish meeting cities excel in the sustainable transition according to GDSI
Based on 70 different criteria - and aligned with the 2030 agenda and UN One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme GDSI is the most extensive sustainability index for destinations, which is why MeetDenmark is actively using GDSI as a development and benchmarking tool when working with selected initiatives in MeetDenmark’s sustainability plan.
01.03.2022Scania Danmark A/S
Scania skal levere op til 100 el-lastbiler til Storkøbenhavns fælleskommunale affaldsselskab Amager Ressourcecenter (ARC)
Scania vil levere mindst 78 fuldelektriske L-serie lastbiler, med option på yderligere 23 lastbiler, til Amager Ressourcecenter (ARC) til håndtering af husholdningsaffald i Storkøbenhavn. De første to elektriske Scania L-serie renovationslastbiler i den s
17.09.2019Better Energy
Better Energy and HOFOR join forces to green Copenhagen with solar energy
HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility – has just invested in a large solar plant built by Danish Better Energy. The new agreement between Better Energy and HOFOR will help Copenhagen meet their target of becoming CO2 neutral by 2025.
26.10.2017Odense Bæredygtighedsråd
Hvem skal vinde Odense Bæredygtighedspris 2017?
Odense Bæredygtighedsråd hylder hvert år et bæredygtigt initiativ ved at uddele Odense Bæredygtighedspris. Frem til den 18. december 2017 kan kandidater, som har gjort en særlig indsats for at fremme bæredygtighed, indstilles til bæredygtighedsprisen
Radisson Blu: We support UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Recently Radisson Blu launched, that all meetings and events held at one of their hotels will be carbon neutralised. Without any extra cost for you as a meeting planner. Learn more at Responsible Business Events conference 30th October in Copenhagen.
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