Using Technology to Gain an Advantage in Metal Recycling
Watch this webinar on-demand today. Technology is rapidly changing the metal recycling industry. Stay on top of innovation to gain a competitive advantage by understanding how to improve your processes and techniques as your business continues to evolve.
Metal Recycling: will digitalisation solve key industry challenges?
The global metal recycling industry is growing at an unprecedented rate due to factors such as urbanisation, the spread of industrialisation, concerns over environmental sustainability, and laws and regulations pertaining to metal scrap.
Kom foran med teknologi til genvinding af metal
Fremskridt gennem innovation: Ny teknologi er godt i gang med at ændre industrien for genvinding af metal. For at være på forkant med innovation og bevare konkurrencemæssige fordele er det vigtigt at forstå, hvordan du kan forbedre dine processer.
Amerikansk skrotvirksomhed bygger bæredygtigt værft i Frederikshavn
Den amerikanske skrotvirksomhed Modern American Recycling Services har besluttet at etablere sit første europæiske værft til genanvendelse af metal i Frederikshavn. Det er til stor gavn for Danmark, lyder det fra udenrigsministeren.
Press Release: AMCS Announces Acquisition of Recy Systems
AMCS, the world’s leading supplier of integrated software and vehicle technology for the waste and recycling sector, has today announced the acquisition of German’s leading recycling and waste management software specialist, Recy Systems (Recy).
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