21.02.2024Nestlé Danmark A/S
KitKat med kakao fra Nestlés indkomst accelerator program lanceres i Danmark og Europa
Nestlé har introduceret den første KitKat fremstillet med kakaomasse fra bønner dyrket af kakaoproducerende familier, der deltager i virksomhedens indkomstacceleratorprogram. Denne KitKat sigter mod at at skabe en forbindelse mellem forbrugerne og bønderne der dyrker kakaoen og skal øge bevidstheden om bæredygtigheden i kakaoen, der anvendes i de ikoniske barer.
Creating Opportunities for Action: Advancing Children’s Rights in the Palm Oil Industry
In January of this year, we published a blog highlighting practical steps that palm oil companies can take to respect child rights and address child labor in their operations and supply chains.
Six Steps to Prevent and Address Child Labor in the Palm Oil Industry
In light of upcoming World Day against Child Labor on the weekend, take another look at this article: BSR supported the development of Wilmar’s Child Protection Implementation Manual, which provides a guide for establishing policies to protect children.
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